Thursday, February 08, 2007

AABA Update from Louis Lee (MESA) - 02.08.07

This AABA (Asian American Bay Area) Fellowship update contains the following notes -

1. Urgent need for Sunday pulpit for guest speaker this Sun Feb 11!

2. Next AABA meeting on Wed March 14, 10:30am.

3. Sign up for the BASS Leaders Lunch/Seminar ASAP! Also volunteers for BASS needed!

4. Limited number of tix left for Warriors "Bay Area Slam Dunk" outreach event on Fri 3/16!

5. Church in LA area seeks youth pastor.


1. Urgent need for Sunday pulpit for guest speaker this Sun Feb 11!

My ministry friend, JR Selby (we worked together with Promise Keepers back in the mid 90's), has an urgent need to secure a church in the Bay Area that is interested in having a guest speaker for this coming Sunday, Feb 11. JR is involved with a new mens' ministry that is conducting a mens' conference in Modesto this weekend, and has speakers who are available to serve as guest preachers. He is very sorry for this short notice, but would greatly appreciate any help in seeking a church that would like to have Dr. Chuck Stecker as a guest speaker for this coming Sunday. Please forward this note to anyone else who may be interested. Thanks!

Dr. Chuck Stecker is looking for a church to speak at Sunday morning, February 11. Dr. Stecker is Founder of A Chosen Generation. He recently released the book Men of Honor Women of Virtue. He is a powerful and commanding speaker who is devoted to lovingly directing children toward Godly rites of passage and ultimately, Godly adulthood. Chuck Stecker was my first boss in 1996 at Promise Keepers when he was a Regional Director. He retired from the Army where he was Lieutenant Colonel with years in Special Forces, Airborne Rangers and three years Joint Chief of Staff at the Pentagon. Chuck will captivate any audience. Please contact JR directly or call his cell phone at 209.543.4799.


2. Next AABA meeting on Wed March 14, 10:30am.

Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for our next AABA Fellowship meeting on Wed March 14, 10:30am to 12 noon at the San Lorenzo Japanese Christian Church. Complimentary lunch is provided at HomeTown Buffet following the meeting for those who can stay. These fellowship meetings are a terrific time of networking, hearing about various ministry resources, and small group share and prayer times. Please RSVP with me ASAP and no later than Mon March 12.


3. Sign up for the BASS Leaders Lunch/Seminar ASAP!

Please register for BASS (Bay Area Sunday School) Convention and the separate Leaders Lunch/Seminar at the BASS website at . Space for the Leaders Lunch program is limited to the first 150 who register. Dr. John Townsend will speak at the lunch program, the leaders seminar (two one hour sessions), and the general session that evening. Some of the doorprizes for the leaders lunch program include a free breakfast with Pastor Francis Chan on Sat morning, March 3 (Francis is our general session speaker on Sat am), a pair of Warriors tickets, and much more!

The BASS Convention is an incredible resource for churches offering over 300 workshops! General session speakers this year include Dr. Townsend (Thurs night), Pastor Paul Sheppard (Fri night), and Pastor Francis Chan (Sat am). Don Moen will be leading worship. BASS is one of the largest and most diverse gatherings of Christians in the Bay Area!

If you or anyone you know would be able and willing to help serve as a volunteer for BASS (the entire BASS ministry is conducted by volunteers, there are no paid staff for BASS!), please contact Judy Byford ASAP. Thanks!!


4. Limited number of tix left for Warriors "Bay Area Slam Dunk" outreach event on Fri 3/16!

There are now less than 200 tickets available (from the original 1000!) for the special "Bay Area Slam Dunk" which is an evangelistic program that will follow immediately following the Warriors vs Minnesota game on Friday, March 16. Please encourage your church folks to invite unchurched friends and family to this game and post game program. I was blessed to hear about one Christian who plans to invite over 20 co-workers to this event!

Pastor Steve Madsen (sr. pastor of the Cornerstone Fellowship in Livermore) will share a gospel message. Special doorprizes will include a number of Warrior autographed items. $35 face value upper level tickets are available for just $20 each. Please contact me ASAP if you would like to buy tickets (even if you just want a pair, or more for a group).


5. Church in LA area seeks youth pastor.

Palos Verdes Baptist Church
Youth Pastor – Job Profile

The Youth Pastor is responsible for developing, planning, and directing an integrated ministry to the youth of PVBC for their salvation and spiritual growth. “Youth” include junior high, high school, and college students. This position works under the guidance and supervision of the Senior Pastor.

  1. Develops and maintains a long-term strategy for the youth ministry of PVBC that supports the overall vision of the church.
  2. Establishes annual goals, objectives, and plans to implement the youth ministry strategy.
  3. Plans and oversees all youth activities and programs, including (but not limited to): giving messages at Sunday morning youth worship service, teaching at Friday evening youth fellowship, leading discipleship groups, and organizing youth retreats, mission trips, and other special events.
  4. Provides spiritual counsel and personal outreach to the youth, with the goal of producing Christ-likeness in them.
  5. Develops student leadership through training and personal discipleship.
  6. Supervises and mentors collegiate youth interns, if applicable, and performs duties required by relevant agreements with the schools.
  7. Recruits, trains, and oversees volunteer youth staff.
  8. Maintains open communication with, and engages, the parents of the youth and members of the congregation in order to solicit feedback and support.
  9. Coordinates with other church staff (e.g. Children’s Director) to assure consistency of direction and mutual support.
  10. Assists with other ministry needs as requested by the Senior Pastor.

  1. Born-again evangelical Christian
  2. Loves the Lord and has a heart for youths
  3. Possess good knowledge of the Bible
  4. Has an effective prayer life
  5. A person of good repute
  6. Has a graduate degree in Biblical studies, or the equivalent training/experience
  7. Highly desirable: 1-2 year experience as a youth worker

Please email Pastor Ken Tang Quan or call 310.375.1605.


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