Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Coming Soon! Nat'l Asian American Leadership Conference (Mar 24-26, 2008)
I am serving with four other Asian American leaders (Tom Steers, Tommy Dyo, Ron Sugimoto, and Ben Shin) to plan the second ever national Asian American Leadership Conference (AALC) event which will take place in LA (specific host church site TBA soon) on March 24-26, 2008.
Please check out our new website at www.AALC2008.org.
Over 400 pastors, parachurch leaders, seminarians, and spouses attended the first AALC in 2004. We anticipate over 500 to attend this second AALC. The purpose of the AALC is to encourage and equip those who serve the evangelical Asian American community nationwide.
Main speakers include Dr. John Townsend (Cloud-Townsend Ministries), Pastor Ken Fong (Evergreen Baptist Church - LA), Lisa Espineli Chinn (IVCF, Dir, International Student Ministry), and Pastor David Gibbons (New Song Church, Irvine, CA). There will also be 20+ workshops addressing a wide range of ministry topics. Workshop teachers will represent a wide range of ministries from around the nation including Pastor Wayne Ogimachi (Lighthouse Christian Church, Seattle area, WA), Paul Tokunaga (IVCF Asian American Ministries), Pastor Steve Chin (Boston Chinese Evangelical Church), Ben Shin (Talbot Seminary), and many more to be announced soon.
We are trusting the Lord to provide at least 100 churches and parachurch ministries who will join together as "partners" to support the 2008 AALC event. Partners commit to pray, promote, and provide financially (any amount, all partners will be listed the same regardless of amount of financial support which will remain confidential).
Would your ministry consider becoming one of the first 75 partners?
If so, please let me know how you would like your ministry listed, the city and state where your ministry is located (national ministries need not provide this info), and the name and email address of your main contact person for future AALC information/prayer requests.
I hope to hear from you ASAP.
Louis Lee (MESA)
2008 AALC Coordinator
* * * *
2008 AALC - List of partners (52)
AFC (Ambassadors for Christ)
AACF (Asian American Christian Fellowship, campus ministry of JEMS, LA, CA)
AACC (Asian American Church Consulting, Chicago, IL)
AACCS (Asian American Christian Counseling Service, Inc., Alhambra/Torrance, CA)
AAIM (Asian American Intercultural Ministry, Tampa, FL)
AALC (Asian American Leadership Center)
AAGC (Asian Assembly of God Church, Flushing, NY)
BACBC (Bay Area Chinese Bible Church, San Leandro/Alameda, CA)
BPC (Binnerri Presbyterian Church, Dallas, TX)
BCEC (Boston Chinese Evangelical Church, Boston, MA)
CMC (Calvary Mission Church, San Luis Obispo, CA)
CFC (Chinese for Christ Church, Berkeley, CA)
CFC (Chinese for Christ Church, Hayward, CA)
CEMC (Chinese Evangel Mission Church, New York City, NY)
CMF (Chinese Ministry Fellowship)
CUMC (Chinese United Methodist Church, SF, CA)
CLC (Christian Layman Church, Oakland, CA)
CPS (Christian Psychotherapy Services, SF, CA)
Coffee Talk (at Chinese Church in Christ, Milpitas, CA)
ERRC (Educational Resources and Referrals - China)
Epic Movement (Campus Crusade for Christ)
Epicentre Church (Pasadena, CA)
ECCU, Evangelical Christian Credit Union
ECC (Evangelical Covenant Church)
EBC-SGV (Evergreen Baptist Church - San Gabriel Valley)
GGCC (Golden Gate Christian Church, SF, CA)
Gracepoint Fellowship (Berkeley, CA)
HIM (Hawaiian Island Ministries)
ISAAC (Institute for the Study of Asian American Christianity)
IMB (International Mission Board, Southern Baptist)
IVCF (InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Asian American Ministries)
IWA (Glendale, CA)
JEMS, Japanese Evangelical Missionary Society
KAMR.org (Korean-American Ministry Resources)
LCC (Lighthouse Christian Church, Bellevue, WA)
M4.6, (Malachi 4.6 Network, San Jose, CA)
MACC (Marin Asian Community Church, San Rafael, CA)
MGIM (Mary Germain International Ministries, Mission Viejo, CA)
MESA (Ministries for English Speaking Asians)
MVCCC (Mountain View Chinese Christian Church, Mountain View, CA)
Navigators Asian American Ministries
OMF, International (Overseas Missions Fellowship)
PaLM (Pastoral and Laity Ministries, NYC)
PCC (Pathway Community Church, San Ramon, CA)
QCAC (Queens Christian Alliance Church, Flushing, NY)
Redwood Chapel (Castro Valley, CA)
SEAC (Southeast Asian Committee)
TCBC (Tri Valley Chinese Bible Church, Pleasanton, CA)
WCC (Waypoint Community Church, Davis, CA)
Wycliffe Bible Translators
YNEM (Young Nak English Ministry, Los Angeles, CA)
Friday, June 22, 2007
U.S. Foundations Giving to Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities Lag
San Francisco, Calif., June 21 – The giving trends of the top U.S. foundations to Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities has not kept pace with the growth of these communities or of foundation assets, according to a new report released today by Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy (AAPIP). The report, Growing Opportunities, looks at the country’s top 20 national foundations’ grantmaking between 1990 and 2002 and finds significant funding disparities to AAPI communities in several areas. The report concludes with a call to action to the philanthropy field to reduce these gaps.
Today, at a launch event at the Ford Foundation, AAPIP is discussing the report’s findings with leaders in the field of philanthropy, including Ford Foundation Senior Program Officer Christopher Harris, The Annie E. Casey Foundation Senior Associate Irene Lee, Ms. Foundation President and CEO Sara Gould, Foundation Center Senior Director of Research Steven Lawrence, and Consultant Henry Ramos.
“The time for a significant investment strategy in AAPI communities is now. Our communities must be involved in shaping and impacting the policies and conditions that affect their lives and society as a whole,” says Peggy Saika, president/executive director of AAPIP. “Growing Opportunities invites the philanthropy field to consider the investments that will be necessary to support growing AAPI communities in the 21st century.”
The report shows that even though Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders now comprise 4.5 percent of the U.S. population, 2004 foundation funding to AAPIs represented just 0.4 percent of all U.S. foundation dollars. This funding does not appear to correlate with the significant social and economic challenges that continue to hinder AAPI community progress, including high poverty rates, growing health risks, increased hate-related violence, and major educational achievement gaps in many AAPI populations.
Another key disparity highlighted in the report is that foundation investments to AAPI-led organizations do not appear to have kept pace with Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders’ need for trusted, culturally-competent service providers who speak their languages and have expertise in their communities, particularly during times of national crisis. The report reveals that AAPI-led organizations received significantly smaller grants from the largest foundations than did other organizations serving AAPI communities.
“Growing Opportunities highlights the continued lack of investment by organized philanthropy in AAPI communities and the field’s lack of progress in supporting all communities of color,” concludes Ms. Saika. “We hope that the findings will challenge foundations to initiate funding strategies that address the specific needs of marginalized communities.”
For more information about Growing Opportunities, to download a copy of the report, or to access related materials, visit www.aapip.org. To receive a copy of the report, contact AAPIP at membership_AT_aapip_DOT_org.
Founded in 1990, Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy (AAPIP) is a national membership and philanthropic advocacy organization dedicated to advancing philanthropy and Asian American/Pacific Islander communities. AAPIP is structured into eight regional chapters across the United States, and members include foundations, staff and trustees of grantmaking institutions, and nonprofit organizations.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
PANA Update - June 19, 2007
you are invited to the
R2W Jam and Closing Celebration
Storytelling, testimony, art, music, spoken word, and dance from
R2W youth and young adult leaders!
Food and reception will follow
Thursday, July 5, 2007
PSR Chapel
at the Pacific School of Religion – 1798 Scenic Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94709
More news for friends of PANA:
Job Opening: Youth Minister, Berkeley UMC
June 23 - July 7: “Imagine Us” - R2W Summer Youth Leadership Institute
July 5: R2W Summer Youth Leadership Institute - Public Closing Celebration
September 10-15: "Women and Militarism" evening dialogues
October 20-21: API Faith and Justice Gathering
January 7 -18: Community Course: “Theology of Struggle in Diaspora: Constructing an Asia-Pacific Islander Political Theology” with Professor Eleazar Fernandez
April 24-27, 2008
Third Annual PANA Pilgrimage to Manzanar
Scroll down for more information, or visit the PANA website at pana.psr.edu
Berkeley UMC (Asian American congregation)
(not far from PSR!)
Approximately 10 hours per week
Berkeley Methodist United Church is historically Japanese American (now Pan Asian) church in Berkeley. We have extremely cooperative parents and a volunteer youth advisor (a seminary grad) who took on some of youth leadership responsibility, but he is not able to focus on it as much as is needed (quite understandably given his schedule). So we are looking for someone who can be the central organizing spirit, and get our youth group off the ground, mostly by building relationships with the youth.
In addition, we have an active Youth Choir (with a Director) and a youth Basketball program. It may sound as if we have a lot going on, but it is a relatively small group of about 12-15 that are identified as "Youth Group", a sprinkling of younger children, and we also have a strong potential for gathering children age 5 and younger (including some toddlers). It is most likely that this work could be done in less than 10 hours per week outside of Sunday.
I would be happy to offer this as simply a job; however, if you are interested in a broader range of responsibilities, I am open to discussing this as an internship placement, that could be structured according to your interests.
Please respond to:
Naomi Southard
Pastor, Berkeley Methodist United Church
1710 Carleton
Berkeley, CA 94602
tel: 510-530-7139
email: nosouth_AT_aol_DOT_com
Represent 2 Witness Summer Youth Leadership Institute
for Asian Pacific Islanders and other youth of color ages 16-19
lower income and LGBT persons encouraged to apply
June 23 - July 7, 2007
Pacific School of Religion
Berkeley, CA
theology (the study and action of God in the world)
dynamic Bible study martial arts community action
poets professors community leaders DJs muralists
through a soul-stretching process called critical faith
young leaders age 16-19
of Asian, Pacific Islander, African American, Latino, and other ethnic background
creating a just and blessed future
being the future
the future is
R2W is an institute in which you live, study, and celebrate living the collegiate lifestyle for 14 days with other high school-aged students in the beautiful Pacific School of Religion/UC Berkeley community. R2W uses the Asian Pacific Islander experience as a lense to see and act on problems and solutions as new Christian leaders. Participants receive a full scholarship covering transportation to and from Berkeley, room, board, and activities. Enrollees pay a registration fee of $150. We encourage your church to support you by covering this fee. (A fee waiver is available to all with financial hardship.)
See what's up at: www.represent2witness.org and www.myspace.com/represent2witness
or contact Michael, Lauren, or Crystal or (510) 849-8202
Thursday, July 5, 7:30pm
R2W Summer Youth Leadership Institute - Public Closing Celebration
Chapel, Pacific School of Religion – 1798 Scenic Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94709
Storytelling, testimony, art, music, spoken word, and dance
from R2W youth and young adult leaders!
Food and reception will follow.
Represent to Witness (R2W) is an Asian and Pacific Islander youth leadership program of the PANA Institute at the Pacific School of Religion. For more information, check out our website at www.represent2witness.org or call (510) 849-8202
Looking Ahead
September 10-15, 2007
"Women and Militarism" evening dialogues
October 20-21
API Faith and Justice Gathering
January 7 -18, 2008, 2:00-6:00 pm:
Community Course: “Theology of Struggle in Diaspora: Constructing an Asia-Pacific Islander Political Theology”
with Professor Eleazar Fernandez
Pacific School of Religion, 1798 Scenic Ave., Berkeley 94709
Together as a learning community we will engage in a search for an Asian-Pacific Islander transformative political theology. We will enter this search through the lens of Theology of Struggle (Filipino theology), its background, context and main tenets in the larger global context of the imperial project and predatory globalization. We will identify connections between the struggle of Filipinos, Filipino-Americans and other Asian-Pacific Islanders and identify post-colonial strategies and practices for social transformation. Course is open to GTU students for credit, pastors and lay leaders for C.E.U. and for the wider community for personal enrichment and study. This course is being offered as part of the Civil Liberty and Faith project of the PANA Institute.
Eleazar Fernandez is Professor of Constructive Theology at the United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities in Minnesota. He is the author of “Toward a Theology of Struggle” (1994) and has published extensively on Filipino Faith, post-colonial theology, and cross-cultural mission. He has served as a pastor in the United Church of Christ Philippines and is active in the United Church of Christ U.S.A.
To register for the class please contact: Rev. Deborah Lee, (510) 849-8260.
April 24-27, 2008
Third Annual PANA Pilgrimage to Manzanar
Thursday, May 24, 2007
PANA Update - May 24, 2007
Events are at various locations. Scroll down for more information.
May 24, 7pm: Theology in Action: Achieving Social Justice through Rural Leaders Training
May 27: Ordination of Elizabeth Leung
June 1: San Francisco Chinatown Premier Screening of In God's House: Asian American Lesbian and Gay Families in the Church
June 1: 「在教會裡的同性戀家庭」“In God’s House” (中文字幕) 三藩市華埠首映
June 1 and 3: (non-PANA) play about Japanese American internment at Oakland Museum
June 7: Rev. Deborah Lee speaks at screening of film trailer "Water Babies: Coming to Terms with Abortion"
June 17: Honolulu Showing of In God's House
June 17: interfaith Nagar Kirtan singing at the El Sobrante Gurdwara
* * *
Theology in Action: Achieving Social Justice through Rural Leaders Training
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Speakers: Fr. Laksiri Peiris (Asian Rural Institute Graduate) and Steven Cutting (ARI Staff Member)
At Sycamore Christian Church, 1111 Navellier St., El Cerrito, CA
Fr. Peiris is an Anglican Priest from Sri Lanka, a graduate of the ARI training program in 1995 and currently serving at ARI as a missionary through the Anglican Church of Japan. He will share the community development activities he initiated in his rural parish in Sri Lanka. He works closely with ARI Buddhist graduates in in Sri Lanka, and this close working relationship was important after the tsunami hit Sri Lanka in 2005.
Asian Rural Institute is a training institute for rural grassroots leaders from Asia, Africa and the Pacific. Each year ARI conducts a nine-month Rural Leaders Training Program through which they teach sustainable agriculture, community building, and leadership. Upon completion of the training, the graduates return to their home communities where they use what they have learned to work for the betterment of their people. ARI is a mission oriented interfaith training institute.
Sponsored by PANA and Sycamore Christian Church.
* * *
May 27: Ordination of Elizabeth Leung
The Bay Association of the Northern California Nevada Conference and New Fellowship United Church of Christ, Berkeley, California, cordially invite your presence and prayers for The Ordination to the Ministry of Word & Sacrament of Elizabeth Leung.
Pentecost Sunday
May 27, 2007 at 3 p.m.
at San Lorenzo Community Church
945 Paseo Grande, San Lorenzo, CA
Dress with a touch of red for Pentecost
Clergy: red stoles
RSVP requested by May 20th
Kindly RSVP to eleung-AT-psr-DOT-edu
The ordination service is followed by a light reception.
* * *
San Francisco Chinatown Premier Screening of
In God's House: Asian American Lesbian and Gay Families in the Church
In celebration of API Heritage Month and LGBT Pride Month, the Network on Religion and Justice for API LGBT People (NRJ API LGBT) and its partners present the San Francisco Chinatown premier screening of In God’s House: Asian American Lesbian and Gay Families in the Church.
June 1, 2007 @ 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Chinese for Affirmative Action
17 Walter U. Lum Place
(near Portsmouth Square in San Francisco)
Opening reception begins @ 6:30 p.m.
Light refreshments will be served
Film screening begins @ 7:30 p.m.
English language film with Chinese subtitles
This program is free and open to the public.
Seating is limited to the first 50 people.
Please RSVP Elizabeth Leung if you plan to attend at eleung_AT_clgs_DOT_org or (510) 849-8937.
Directed by award-winning filmmaker, Lina Hoshino, In God’s House is a critically acclaimed film documentary that tells the stories of Asian American lesbian and gay Christians, their pastors, and their parents. The film comes at a critical time in the national debate over lesbian and gay families. Some of the most intense opposition against them has come from the Asian American church. By telling the stories of Asian American gay and lesbian Christians, In God’s House attempts to promote greater tolerance and acceptance in the church. To learn more about In God’s House, check out: www.ingodshouse.com.
The film screening is co-sponsored by: API Equality-SF § API Family Pride § Asian Equality § Chinese for Affirmative Action § Community United Against Violence § Gay Asian Pacific Alliance § GRACE § Marriage Equality USA § NRJ API LGBT § PANA Institute
If you would like a printable PDF flyer for this event, in English or Chinese, contact Elizabeth Leung at eleung_AT_clgs_DOT_org or (510) 849-8937.
“In God’s House” (中文字幕)
6月1 日 (星期五) 晚上7時30分
地址 : 17 Walter U. Lum Place
免費入座。由於場地所限, 祗設50座位。
首映前6時30分, 簡單茶點招待。
查詢留言 (510) 849-8937。
In God's House
- Asian American Lesbian and Gay Families in the Church
San Francisco Chinatown Premier
June 1, 2007, 6:30-8:30 pm
Chinese for Affirmative Action
17 Walter U. Lum Place (nearby Portmouth Square)
Directed by award-winning filmmaker, Lina Hoshino, In God's House is a critically acclaimed film documentary about Asian American Christian gay and lesbian people, their parents and families. Opening reception starts at 6:30 pm; film screens at 7:30 pm. Free admission. Seating is limited to the first 50 people. Light refreshment. Members of San Francisco Asian American community are encouraged to attend. Please RSVP at (510)849-8937.
This event is co-sponsored by the Network on Religion and Justice for Asian American and Pacific Islander Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender People ( www.NRJ-API-LGBT.org), a coalition of organizations and individuals affirming the dignity and spiritual wholeness of API LGBT people of faith, and Asian Equality, a statewide project of Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) committed to working in our Asian and Pacific Islander American communities for equal marriage rights and fair treatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) families through education and advocacy.
* * *
June 1 and 3: Dust Storm
Sharon Hwang Colligan recommends this beautiful intergenerational play about the JA internment, with opening scenes in set in Berkeley including the UCC church. Performed by Zachary Drake, member of the UU congregation in Berkeley.
Friday, June 1
Dust Storm
Reception at 6 p.m.; performance at 7 p.m.
In Dust Storm, playwright Rick Foster weaves a story of art and paranoia. The play is about an episode involving artist Chiura Obata at Topaz Relocation camp in Utah during the World War II internment of Japanese Americans, and is told through the eyes of a radicalized young Japanese-American student. Dust storms were common in the barren Utah desert and are also a theme of Obata's artwork from the time. Slides of Obata's work enhance the scenes in the play. The program is a presentation of the museum's Art and History Guilds. $8 advance tickets/$10 at the door; $5 seniors and students (with ID).
Sunday, June 3
Dust Storm
Sunday, June 3, Reception at 1 p.m.; performance at 2 p.m.
In Dust Storm, playwright Rick Foster weaves a story of art and paranoia. The play is about an episode involving artist Chiura Obata at Topaz Relocation camp in Utah during the World War II internment of Japanese Americans, and is told through the eyes of a radicalized young Japanese-American student. Dust storms were common in the barren Utah desert and are also a theme of Obata's artwork from the time. Slides of Obata's work enhance the scenes in the play. The program is a presentation of the museum's Art and History Guilds. $8 advance tickets/$10 at the door; $5 seniors and students (with ID).
Advance tickets available by mail. Please make check payable to OMCA/AG and mail to R. Hussey, 510 Starmount Ct., Danville, CA 94526. Indicate performance date and the number of tickets (adult, student, or senior). All advance tickets will be held at the door. Dust Storm is a presentation of the museum's Art and History Guilds.
For an online PDF flyer visit: www.museumca.org/pdf/Dust Storm.pdf
For more information:
* * *
Water Babies: Coming to Terms with Abortion
Thursday, June 7, 2007
7 - 9:00 pm
Screening of film trailer "Water Babies: Coming to Terms with Abortion" by Lina Hoshino
followed by Panel Discussion facilitated by Rev. Deborah Lee featuring
Lina Hoshino, filmmaker of "Water Babies: Coming to Terms with Abortion"
Maria Nakae, Alliance Building Coordinator, Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice
Talia Walsmith, Exhale
Abortion is a critical issue for API women. Thirty-five percent of pregnancies end in abortion for API women, compared to 18% for white women, representing the second highest percentage for all racial and ethnic groups. In addition, from 1994 to 2000, abortion rates fell for all groups except API women. Yet Asian perspectives are rarely heard in the heated public debate on reproductive rights.
Abortion itself is both intensely personal and intensively politicized. It is perhaps unique in the way that it brings political and moral judgment to bear on painfully intimate personal choices -- judgment that can prevent women from making the best decisions for themselves and from coping with their experiences in healthy ways.
Come join us at KSW and learn about Japanese ritual of addressing the experience of abortion, API reproductive justice movement today, and Exhale, a hotline for women who have abortions.
Lina will talk about her new documentary about the Japanese "water baby" ritual of consecrating the spirit of the unformed child to the protection of a Jizo bodhisattva.
Maria will give a brief overview of today’s reproductive justice movement, which places the reproductive health and rights of women and girls within a social justice framework. She will discuss how the politicization and stigma around abortion silence the voices of women who are most impacted, and how the reproductive justice movement works to address the real needs of
women and support their well being by allowing for the complexities of people’s beliefs and lived experiences around issues of abortion. Finally, she will share ACRJ’s experience of working with young Asian women to explore their own values and opinions around abortion, and their efforts to fight for the self-determination of young women in their communities.
Talia will talk about Exhale, who's mission is to create a social climate where each person's unique experience with abortion is supported, respected and free from stigma. Exhale operates the nation's first free, nonjudgmental after-abortion talkline which provides emotional support, resources and information to women and girls who have had abortions and to their partners, friends, allies and family members. The talkline is available in six languages, seven day a week. Talia will discuss Exhale's services and the various healing rituals and self-care options their talkline callers have found useful for post-abortion emotional health and well-being.
Lina Hoshino
Many Threads
Lina Hoshino is a filmmaker and new media designer whose films, including the award winning Story of Margo, In God's House: Asian American Lesbian and Gay Families in the Church and Caught in Between: What to Call Home in Times of War screened internationally in many film festivals. As a co-founder of Many Threads and Tactile Pictures, Lina has led creative and design efforts for many community organizations. Her mother is from Taiwan and her father is from Japan. Lina grew up living in the U.S., Japan, and France. She studied painting and sculpture at Carnegie Mellon University.
Rev. Deborah Lee
PANA Institute of Pacific School of Religion
Deborah Lee is program director of the PANA Institute (Institute for Leadership Development and Study of Pacific Asian North American Religion) at Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley and coordinator of the Civil Liberty and Faith project. She is a minister in the United Church of Christ and the coordinator of the Network on Religion and Justice for API-LGBT persons (NRJ-API-LGBT).
Maria Nakae
Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice
Maria Nakae is the Alliance Building Coordinator and a New Voices Fellow at Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice (ACRJ). Her work at ACRJ focuses on building alliances, conducting trainings, and developing tools and resources to advance the reproductive justice movement. Prior to joining ACRJ, Maria worked with community- and school-based programs to increase access to reproductive health services for youth in immigrant communities and communities of color. She also has research experience on a wide range of issues including parenting and child development, homelessness and mental health, and domestic violence prevention. Maria is first-generation Japanese and grew up in Portland, OR. She holds a BA in Psychology from New York University and a Masters in Public Health from UC Berkeley.
Talia Walsmith
Talia Walsmith started at Exhale in 2002 as a volunteer after-abortion counselor and served on Exhale's Board of Directors from 2004-2006. Currently, Talia coordinates the day-to-day operations of Exhale's programs which include the nation's first nonjudgmental post-abortion talkline, regional trainings for health care providers, and Exhale's bilingual abortion zine. Prior to joining Exhale, Talia served as administrative staff for the California Pan-Ethnic Health Network and as Associate Clinic Manager at the Women's Community Clinic in San Francisco. She is currently getting her Masters in Women's Spirituality at New College of California.
* * *
June 17: Honolulu Showing of In God's House
Date: Sunday, June 17, 2007
Time: 6 - 7:30 pm
Address: 3608 Diamond Head Circle, Honolulu, HI 96815
Contact: jonipherkwong_AT_aol_DOT_com, 808-728-8811
About the film: www.ingodshouse.com
* * *
The Sikh Center of San Francisco Bay Area invites
the Interfaith Community of the Bay Area to participate in a
Nagar Kirtan
(singing of spiritual songs around town)
Please Join Us!
El Sobrante Gurdwara
3550 Hillcrest Rd., El Sobrante, Ca
June 17, 2007
10-A.M. to 3-00 P.M.
Dr. J.P. Singh, President of the El Sobrante Gurdwara, 510-543-7543
Dr. Joty Sikand, Vice President, Ik Onkar Peace Foundation: 510-825-1793
The Sikh Center of San Francisco Bay Area Gurdwara Management is organizing a Nagar Kirtan (Singing of spiritual songs) around the Town of El Sobrante to commemorate the 4001 Martyrdom Day of Sri Guru Arjan Dev ji. He compiled the sacred book Sri Guru Granth Sahib that the Sikhs consider as their eternal living Guru. It has 1430 pages of sacred verses written by the six Sikh Gurus and twenty nine saints and Sufi poets representing all different religions of India of that period, different parts of the country and different castes. They wrote in different languages, such as, Punjabi, Brij Bhasha, Sankrit, Farsi, Bangla and Marathi etc. It truly represents the spiritual unity of the universe. Guru Arjan Dev ji wrote:
The sense of enmity and estrangement is lost
Since I have been in the company of saints
Foe and stranger there is none
I am at peace with every one
I accept with pleasure my Beloved’s command
This is the wisdom I received from the saints
The Divine Master resides in every one
Beholding Him in every one, Nanak is ecstatic
Ik Onkar Peace Foundation is an Inter-faith Cooperation Circle of the United Religions Initiative (U.R.I.). It is also one of the sponsors of the Inter-faith Center at Presidio, San Francisco and a member of the Contra Costa County Interfaith Council.
Monday, May 07, 2007
AABA Update from Louis Lee (MESA) - 05.07.07
1. Please RSVP for AABA meeting on Wed. June 20 at SLZJCC.
2. Ministry resources -
- ABC pastor available to guest preach on Sunday, June 17.
- Korean American minister seeks new church ministry.
- Pastor Ken Carlson seeks blog dialogue on English ministry in Chinese churches.
- Drs. Cloud/Townsend team teach Boundaries via satellite on Sat Feb 2, 2008.
3. Only $10/pair of tix for SF Giants home games! Contact Louis Lee!
1. Please RSVP for AABA meeting on Wed. June 20 at SLZJCC.
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend our next AABA meeting on Wed. June 20 at 10:30am. These quarterly fellowship meetings are a great time of sharing ministry resources, small group sharing and praying, and an informal complimentary lunch at HomeTown Buffet for those who can stay.
2. Ministry resources
- ABC pastor available to guest preach on Sunday, June 17.
An ABC pastor friend of mine who grew up in Castro Valley at Neighborhood Church, is available to serve as a guest preacher on Sunday June 17 in the East Bay area. Derek Quan is a graduate of Western Seminary (M.Div.) and Phoenix Seminary (D.Min.). He has been serving the past 14 years as the English Pastor of the Greater Phoenix Chinese Christian Church. Churches in the East Bay can contact Derek at derekquan_AT_gpccc_DOT_org.
- Korean American minister seeks new church ministry.
My name is John Park and I was born and raised in Korea. In college, I studied English Literature. When I got to the age when I had to serve the army, I joined the 8th United States Army as a KATUSA (Korean Augmentation Troops to the United States Army) solder. During the military years, I was active in fellowshipping with other Christians and in reaching out to non-Christian American soldiers. I received my MDiv. degree from Asian Center for Theological Studies and Missions in Seoul, Korea. Upon finishing my Mdiv. studies, I came to the United States back in January 1999. Currently, I am currently working on my dissertation at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The focus of my studies is missions. As for family, I have been married to my wife, Sumi, for ten years and we have one son, Moses, who is seven years old.
As for ministry experience, I am very experienced in working with different ethnic groups. When I was in Korea, I planted an English-speaking church with a Korean-American missionary. I co-pastored the church with him. I also worked for Mission Korea, a missions mobilization organization which holds bi-annual missions conference. When the conference was held, I worked as coordinator for the 100 plus international participants in the conference. Also, when I did my MDiv. studies at Asian Center for Theological Studies and Misisons, I studied with students from African and Asian countries in English. After I came to the States, I worked as youth pastor for five years and for the last three and a half years I have been serving as college/young adults pastor at Korean-American First Baptist Church of Arlington in Arlington, TX. I have gone on several short-term mission trips to countries such as China and the Philippines and different states in the U.S. Back in 2004, I led a break-out session entitled Asian Youth Ministry at Youth Lab, an annual youth conference held at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
I am quite a unique candidate for English-speaking ministry first because I wasn't born nor grew up in the States and second because I am on an F-1 visa. I am currently planning to apply for Pre-OPT (Practical Training which I can sign up for since I finished my Ph.D. coursework) so that I can work legally in the United States. Whichever church hires me will have to help me to get an R-1 Visa (Religious Visa) and a green card so that I can continue to work in the States legally."
You can reach me via email at heyldoer_AT_sbcglobal_DOT_net or by phone at 817-881-2029 (cell).
- Pastor Ken Carlson seeks dialogue on English ministry in Chinese churches.
Dear co-workers for the Gospel,
On my blog I have started a series entitled "30 Days on the Chinese Church." Specifically, I want to focus on how to have a mature, effective English ministry in a Chinese church. But I don't want to merely share my own opinion. Instead, I would like to invite you to join a blog based discussion on this topic.
Every day this month (except Sundays) I plan to write a new post. I welcome your suggestions for topics! I also welcome your contributions in discussion via the comments on each post. If you have a blog and want to write a longer article on a related topic, feel free to post a link to it in a comment on my blog. That way we can stimulate discussion on some key issues that we all face. The first few articles are pretty basic, but I wanted to lay the groundwork before we get into the details. Let me know what suggestions you have for the series.
I know that we all are very busy. But if some of you are able to take a few minutes to read through the articles and give me feedback, as well as add your own contributions, we will all benefit.
The series can be found via this link:
To read the posts in order, you will need to start with the bottom article and work upwards. If you use a feed reader, there is a link at the bottom of the page to subscribe to the series.
Pastor Ken Carlson
- Drs. Cloud/Townsend team teach Boundaries via satellite on Sat Feb 2, 2008.
Hello Everyone – Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!
Exciting news from the ministry of Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend! No, not another book – although they are writing again!
First, have you seen our new web site at www.cloudtownsend.com? Forget about getting any work done during in the day; you’ll be spending your days interacting on the web site with John and Henry learning new leadership info, how to serve your church community better, advice on family matters, & marriages, parenting – the site has endless in possibilities!
Next! My most exciting news! A historic one day event…Saturday, February 2, 2008 Drs. Cloud & Townsend together for the first time in 15 yrs. teaching Boundaries all across North America! It is a satellite presentation from our partner -CCN Church Communication Network. CCN is the leader in excellence in Christian satellite programming. Along with John and Henry, many of the great Christian leaders & teachers in the world are producing remarkable programming on CCN www.ccn.tv
Many of you have desired to invite John or Henry to speak at your church or organization. For a myriad of different reasons it hasn’t happened. However! This special event will afford you the opportunity to invite them to appear (via satellite) in your church AND create a great evangelical outreach to the people in your surrounding area – It will be an immense blessing for your own church family & staff as well.
Imagine tens of thousands of people across North America getting healthy on the same day! And God gets the Glory!
For more information on this event, please contact me at kpatton_AT_ccn_DOT_tv or 800-676-4673 x4. For you early birds, I have a special pricing available until June 30, 2007.
I pray that you are healthy and life is good for you and yours!
In Christ ~ Kris Patton
Ministry Consultant ~ Group & Event Specialist Cloud-Townsend Resources & CCN
800-676-4673 x4 Pacific Time
www.cloudtownsend.com, www.ccn.tv
3. Only $10/pair of tix for SF Giants home games!
I am once again lowering the price of my pair of SF Giants tix (section #330, row 9), especially for those in full time ministry! For home games Mon-Thurs, the new price is only $10 for both tix (face value is $20 for both tix) and only $15 for both tix for games on Fri-Sunday (face value is $40 for both tix)! (these prices apply to all home games except premium games vs the LA Dodgers, the Oakland A's, the NY Yankees, as well as games when Barry Bonds is getting within 3-4 home runs of setting the all time career home run record)
Please check the Giants website for their schedule, and then check with me for the games you wantl
If you have friends or family that are not in vocational ministry but want to purchase any of these Giants tix, please add $5 to the prices listed above for each pair of tix ($15 a pair for weekday games and $20 for weekend games).
Remember, the Monterey Bay Aquarium two guest passes will only be available through this July, 2007. Please contact me to reserve their use ASAP.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Southeast Asian worship renewal and leadership conference (N. Cal.)

ISAAC Board member, Dr. Russell Yee, invites you to "Deeper Roots, Stronger Shoots" - a fun, inspiring, and educational time exploring SEA worship and ministry leadership. This conference, directed by Dr. Yee, will take place June 1-2, 2007 (Friday evening and all day Saturday) at Yiu-Mienh Bapitst Church in Richmond, Northern California.
Cost: Free ($15 suggested donation at the door)
Meals: Provided
Registration: None, just come (let Dr. Russell Yee know if you're bringing a group of 5 or more)
A free book or CD to every participant!
For more information, go to: www.seacleaders.com/deeproots or contact Dr. Russell Yee ASAP.
Monday, April 23, 2007
PANA Update - April 23, 2007
1. Community Vigil for VA Tech — PSR Chapel
2. Workshop: "Interreligious Community: Camp Life and Pilgrimage” — the experience of Japanese American internment during WWII and its ongoing message for the present. — 2140 Durant St., Berkeley
3. AND more PANA news too!
1. Community Vigil for VA Tech — PSR Chapel
Community Vigil
In remembrance of all those affected by the recent tragedy at Virginia Tech (Please bring a flower)
Tuesday, April 24th, 2007
Steps of the Chapel at the Pacific School of Religion
1798 Scenic Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94709
Sponsored by the Institute for Leadership Development and Study of Pacific Asian North American Religion (PANA Institute) and the Office of Community Life at the Pacific School of Religion.
For more information, contact Rev. Deborah Lee at (510)849-8260 or dlee-at-psr-dot-edu.
*** Please Read a Community Letter from PANA's Executive Director, Dr. Fumitaka Matsuoka, regarding the tragedy at Virginia Tech, violence and race at panainstitute.blogspot.com
*** or at http://panainstitute.blogspot.com/2007/04/pana-letter-on-va-tech-tragedy.html
2. Workshop: "Interreligious Community: Camp Life and Pilgrimage”
Join us for a Community Program on
"Interreligious Community: Camp Life and Pilgrimage”
the experience of Japanese American internment during WWII and its ongoing message for the present.
Date: Tuesday April 24th, 2007 6:30-9:30 pm
Location: Gather at the Jodo Shinshu Parking Lot (2140 Durant St., Berkeley, CA 94704) We may be meeting at the Jodo Shinshu Center or at the Berkeley Buddhist Temple. Look for posted signs
Dr. Joanne Doi, M . M . is a pilgrimage guide and teacher of the course "Manzanar: America's Internment," sponsored by the PANA Institute.
Rev. David Matsumoto, Institute of Buddhist Studies and the Berkeley Buddhist Temple, Channing Way
Carpool available, leaving Pacific School of Religion at 6:00 pm (Meet in the PANA driveway, 2357 Le Conte Ave.)
This is one of five sessions in preparation for the 38th annual pilgrimage to the former WWII site of Japanese American internment at Manzanar.
For more information or to sign up for the pilgrimage, contact Shinya at pana2@psr.edu; 510-849-8226 or go to the PANA website: pana.psr.edu.
3. And more PANA news too!
On the PANA Blog:
March 14, 2007: Philippines Human Rights Senate Hearing. Reportback and video link.
“I just returned from Washington D.C. where I attended the International Ecumenical Conference on Human Rights in the Philippines and the Senate Hearing on Extrajudicial Killings in the Philippines. Many of you have attended some of our educational forums on this subject…” — Rev. Deborah Lee
Spiritual Reflections on the March 14, 2007 Senate Hearing on the Extra-Judicial Killings in the Philippines
Washington D.C.: “The feeling was euphoric, almost elation…” — Rev. Deborah Lee
Report on International Women’s Day talk by Rev. Tess Vertucio from the United Church of Christ Philippines
“This year's International Women's day event at PANA gathered 20 women and men to listen and discuss the ongoing challenges facing women in church leadership around the globe. Rev. Tess Vertucio, a conference minister in the United Church of Christ Philippines (UCCP), …”
PANA Film Screening at Major Film Festivals:
PANA's film In God's House: Asian American Lesbian and Gay Families in the Church has been accepted to screen at the Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival (Sunday, May 6th, 2007), Frameline International LGBT Film Festival in June and the Aomori International LGBT Film Festival in Japan. In addition, we have screenings scheduled in San Francisco, Tennessee, and Asilomar, CA. See below for schedule. For more information on the screenings, please visit www.ingodshouse.com.
April 26-29
Pilgrimage to Manzanar
35 participants will depart on pilgrimage to the WWII internment camp where 10,000 Japanese Americans were forcibly relocated at Manzanar, California. They will be joining the 38th annual public pilgrimage to this remote and historic site, now a National Historic Site with a National Park Service Interpretive Center.
For more information or to sign up for the pilgrimage, contact Shinya at pana2-at-psr-dot-edu; 510-849-8226 or go to the PANA website: pana.psr.edu.
PANA Institute
The Institute for Leadership Development and Study of
Pacific and Asian North American Religion
Sharon Hwang Colligan, Administrative Assistant
(510) 849-8244 shcolligan-at-psr-dot-edu
National Council of Churches survey on health and healing ministries
The National Council of Churches of Christ is conducting a survey of congregations on their involvement in health and healing ministries and advocacy.
If you would like to participate in the survey and/or would like to request a copy of the report from the compiled surveys, please see the following web link:
Pastor Marie Onwubuariri
MacArthur Community Baptist Church
2301 Rumrill Boulevard
San Pablo, CA 94806
(510) 235-291
Thursday, April 19, 2007
AABA Update from Louis Lee (MESA) - 04.19.07
1. 2008 AALC in LA on March 24-26, 2008, features Dr. John Townsend.
2. Church seeks pastor/Campus Crusade for Christ ministry for Asian students.
3. Super low prices for SF Giants tix/Monterey Bay Aquarium guest passes available only thru July, 2007!
1. 2008 AALC in LA on March 24-26, 2008, features Dr. John Townsend.
Dates have now been set for the second ever national Asian American Leadership Conference (AALC) in LA on Mon-Wed, March 24-26, 2008. One main speaker will be Dr. John Townsend (http://www.cloudtownsend.com/2townsend.htm). Other main speakers and workshop teachers TBA soon.
Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for this rare gathering of Asian American pastors, parachurch leaders, and seminarians from all over the nation. The first AALC event drew over 400 leaders. We expect over 500 to attend in 2008.
Why yet another leadership conference? Because this is the only leadership conference contextualized for Asian American ministry. The purpose of the AALC is to help encourage and equip those who serve the evangelical Asian American community.
Please consider having your church/ministry become an official "partner." Partners commit to pray, promote, and provide financially (any amount). Over 60 churches and ministries served as partners for the first AALC in 2004. We are trusting the Lord for over 100 partners for this 2008 event.
2. Church seeks pastor/Campus Crusade for Christ ministry for Asian students.
San Jose Canaan Christian Church (SJCCC), an independent, evangelical Christian church, seeks a Pastor of English Ministries. SJCCC was founded in 1990 to serve the Taiwanese-American community in South San Jose, CA. The English congregation is comprised of mostly school-aged Chinese/Taiwanese-Americans. There has been recent growth within the English congregation aimed toward sending out workers for missions; the youth have recently been sent on missions to Louisiana, Taiwan and Mexico.
This full-time pastoral position is responsible for Developing vision, goals and plans for the English congregation; Providing discipleship, support, leadership training, oversight and prayer for the English congregation; Preaching regularly for English Sunday services; Directing various meetings and events (i.e., youth fellowship, prayer meetings, mission trips); Developing the leadership team, including working with the young adult volunteer staff.
We are looking for someone with: A passion for Christ, a lifestyle that models Christian character, and the fortitude to shepherd a congregation; Ministry experience with adults and youth; and a heart to serve Asian-American youth. To apply, submit your resume and cover letter to the church's English Ministries Deacon, Windy Chen, by email or post mail. Windy Chen, Deacon of English Ministries, San Jose Canaan Christian Church, 1228 Redmond Ave, San Jose, CA 95120, E-mail: windy320ATyahooDOTcom
Reach Asian College Students at Your Local College and Epic Summer Project in San Jose, June 21-July 21
Dear Fellow Servants in the Lord,
In January 2007 I started serving as a Campus Minister with Campus Crusade for Christ. My desire is to bring the gospel to the thousands of Asian students at our local state and community colleges. Many of you may have college students who are enrolled at SJSU, CSUEB, SFSU, DeAnza, etc. I am serving with Crusade’s San Francisco Metro Ministry which has developed a simple multiplying movement model to reach students on these commuter campuses. (see “G3’s” on www.metamore.org
If you have a vision of expanding your church’s ministry to the local college campus in your area I’d like to hear your dream and also share with you how we can partner together to expand God’s kingdom on the campus and bring them into the church.
In addition, our Asian focused ministry, “Epic,” will be running a month long summer project this summer in San Jose from June 21-July 21. If you or your students would like to be trained how to start a ministry on a local campus you’re invited to join our training. (Tommy Dyo is the National Director for the Epic Movement).
I am available to minister to your church for Sunday speaking, seminars, or training. (Evangelism, marriage, etc.). Thanks in advance for giving me the opportunity to serve your and your churches and to help expand God’s kingdom here in the Bay Area.
Pursuing the King and His Kingdom,
Arthur Lum (Contact me at ArtLumCCC-at-aol-dot-com or 408-896-8065.)
3. Super low prices for SF Giants tix/Monterey Bay Aquarium guest passes available only thru July, 2007! Contact me, Louis Lee
I have one pair of SF Giants tix in section VR310, row 7, seats 16-17 for just $15 a pair (face value is $40!) for each of the following games - Wed, 5/2, 7:15pm vs Colorado and Wed, 5/9, 12:35pm vs the Mets.
And my own pair of season tix in section VR330, row 9, seats 13-14, series vs Colorado, just $10 a pair! Mon, 4/30, 7:15pm; Tues, 5/1, 7:15pm; and Wed, 5/2, 7:15pm.
The rest of the SF Giants home games past May 9, I have my season tix pairs (section VR330, row 9) available for just $15 for games on Mon-Thurs (face value is $20 per pair), and just $20 a pair for Fri-Sun games (face value is $40).
Please remember we have two fully transferable guest passes for the world class Monterey Bay Aquarium, at least through the end of July, 2007. Since the aquarium dramatically raised the price for the family membership that includes these two guest passes (now $250 a year vs just $$120 for a regular family membership w/o the guest passes), its unlikely we will renew our membership past this July. So please let me know ASAP when you want to use these two guest passes between now and July 31, 2007! (individual rates for the aquarium are now $26 for adults and $16 for kids 3-12!)
Thursday, April 05, 2007
AABA Update from Louis Lee (MESA) - 04.05.07
1. Please go see the "Amazing Grace" movie ASAP!
2. New Covenant Church in Martinez seeks part time pastor for college/career ministry.
3. Missionary from Hong Kong seeks housing and car in Bay Area for this summer.
4. Men's Conference in San Jose by Iron Sharpens Iron ministry, Sat April 28.
5. New discounted prices for SF Giants tix for 2007.
1. Please go see the "Amazing Grace" movie ASAP!
My biggest regret in seeing the movie "Amazing Grace" earlier today is that I waited this long to go see it! It is the best movie I have ever seen (and I have seen a lot of movies!). The life of William Wilberforce is dramatically presented in his successful fight to end the slave trade in England in the late 1700's. Amazing Grace is a high quality film (even by Hollywood standards!) with terrific Kingdom values. Most of you know how I am about saving more to give more. But this is one of those exceptions. I believe Christians should support movies that reflect wholesome values, so I spent the extra money to go see this movie at the theatre rather than waiting until later to rent the DVD.
2. New Covenant Church in Martinez seeks part time pastor for college/career ministry.
New Covenant Church in Martinez is prayerfully seeking for a part-time minister (seminarian or ordained pastor) who would start college/single ministry with 10-15 people (currently attending) and about 20+ away (who visit during summer and winter break). We are looking for someone with multi-ethnic vision and heart for college students.
Diablo Valley College is only 5 minute away from NCC and UC Berkeley is about 30 minute away.
Job description includes occasionally preaching on Sundays, occasionally leading Bible study, discipleship training, campus visits, leading small groups, and member care while working closely with other staffs.
If you are interested, please contact Loren Chong 925.577.3677
3. Missionary from Hong Kong seeks housing and car in Bay Area for this summer.
David Pardini is a graduate of Dallas Seminary and has been serving for decades as a missionary teaching at the China Baptist Theological College as well as in various Asian nations on behalf of Asia Baptist Theological Seminary, and also ministers in various churches in Hong Kong.
David, his wife, and their college aged son, are seeking a place to live in the greater Bay Area while on furlough this summer. Since they must continue to pay their rent in Hong Kong, they need a place where they can stay for free. They also need the use of a reliable car.
If anyone can help with either of these needs, please contact David directly.
4. Men's Conference in San Jose by Iron Sharpens Iron ministry, Sat April 28.
Men's Conference in San Jose, CA
Date: Saturday, April 28
Location: Valley Christian High School
Time: 8:30 am - 4:55 pm
Cost: Begins at $39.00
Keynote Speakers: Bruce Fong & Ted Roberts
16 Equipping Seminars To Choose From
For Men of All Ages
Conference Information & Registration Forms: <http://buildingmenofcharacter.echurchnetwork.net/AboutUs/OurConferences/default.aspx>
Iron Sharpens Iron Website <http://ironsharpensiron.net/>
Building Men of Character Website <http://www.buildingmenofcharacter.org/>
The following presenters for this men's conference on Sat April 28, are available to serve as guest preachers for churches in the Bay Area on Sunday, April 29. If you are interested in inviting any of these speakers, please contact JR Selby.
Dr. Dan Erickson
Author of Finding Your Greater Yes., currently pastor at Lee's Summit Community Church in Missouri.
see also www.peoplematterministries.com
Dr. Chuck Stecker
Author of Men of Honor, Women of Virtue
see also www.achosengeneration.org
Michael Pouliot
Author of The Battlezone Training Book
see also www.battlezoneministries.org
5. New discounted prices for SF Giants tix for 2007.
I still have a pair of tix for almost all of the SF Giants home games from Mon 4/30 through the rest of the year. However, I recently learned my pair of tix (section #330) is in a lower price range since it is considered "View Reserved Outfield."
Therefore, in order to provide everyone with a more equitable discount, the following prices will apply -
for game on weekdays, Mon-Thurs, the price is just $15 for the pair of tix (face value is $20)
for game on Fri-Sun, the price is $25 for the pair of tix (face value is $40).
Please check their game schedule at http://sanfrancisco.giants.mlb.com/schedule/index.jsp?c_id=sf and contact me ASAP if you are interested in buying a pair of tix to a game. If you have never been to ATT Park in SF, allow me to share that I consider it the most beautiful ballpark of the 16 major league parks I have visited in my life. Also, Barry Bonds hit career home run #735 earlier this evening and is now just 20 home runs from tying Hank Aaron's career record of 755 home runs!
Friday, March 30, 2007
LEAP - Civic Leadership Institute
The Civic Leadership Institute (CLI) was created to address the need for more civic participation, voting, and electoral representation by one of the nation's fastest growing ethnic groups - the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, as well as create a path for motivated and promising AAPI leaders to seek and secure elected and appointed positions at the local, state and federal levels. Through the CLI, we seek to provide the spark for meaningful discussions on public policy issues important to AAPI communities, and to also provide participants with a skill set and knowledge that will allow them to become effective advocates for the policies and communities they seek to represent.
Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics, Inc. (LEAP) is proud to announce the schedule for our 2007 Civic Leadership Institute (CLI) programs!
This year LEAP is planning to hold four (4) Regional Civic Engagement Conferences and one (1) Candidate Leadership Training program:
Civic Engagement Conferences are scheduled for:
- February 10, 2007 - Southern California - Orange County
- March 24, 2007 - Central California - Stockton
- March 31, 2007 - Central California - Fresno
- April 21, 2007 - Northern California - Oakland
Civic Engagement Conferences (CECs) are designed for about 100 attendees, and tailored to address the needs of each region. With a morning panel of local community leaders and/or elected officials, the afternoon consists of break out sessions on different topics like 21st Century Leadership, or How to be on Boards & Commissions.
The Candidate Leadership Training will be conducted:
- May 16-20, 2007 - Southern California - Pomona
The Candidate Leadership Training (CLT) is designed for a smaller class of at least 15 comprised of existing and emerging leaders who are seriously considering running for political office. This smaller, in-depth training spans over the course of 4.5 days including topics like Media Relations, Fundraising, Coalition Building, and Grassroots Organizing.
Support for the CLI funded by:
The James Irvine Foundation
The Ford Foundation
Southern California Edison
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Youth Event & College Admissions Workshop - Hayward, CA (Friday & Sunday, Mar. 23 & 25, 2007)
Free College Admissions Workship for Parents and Teens
* Footprints is the Youth Ministry of The Crossing, the English speaking multiethnic ministry of Chinese for Christ Church Hayward
Ever wonder what makes your teen so eager to come to Footprints every Friday? Are you curious to find out what awaits your preteen child as they enter Footprints youth ministry?
This is the opportunity for you to get your hands dirty, turn back the clock, be a teenager for a couple of hours, and experience firsthand what they enjoy every Friday night!
You'll have a chance to participate in the program and know for yourself what they do every Friday night. You can take part in their icebreaker activity, worship with them, and listen to the teaching from the Bible they receive every Friday.
As a BONUS, we also have two college admission counsultants here as part of the Open House program on Friday night as well as Sunday afternoon to give you a FREE 3 hour (3 part) college admission preparation workshop.
Here are the details...
Event: Footprints Open House (with Free college Admissions Worshop)
Date: 3/23 Friday 8 pm - 10 pm (open house and workshop part 1)
3/25 Sunday 1:15 pm to 3:15 pm (workshop parts 2 &3)
Location: Chinese for Christ Church Hayward (Sanctuary)
Address: 22416 Meekland Avenue, Hayward, CA 94541
Phone: (510) 581-1630
Contact: Pastor Tim Lee
AABA Update from Louis Lee (MESA) - 03.17.07
1. Jacob's Well concert in El Cerrito on 4/9/07.
2. Mike Chu seeks pastoral ministry in Chinese church.
3. Praise report from Bay Area Slam Dunk event on Fri nite, March 16.
4. Source for low cost health insurance for kids under 18 for lower income families.
1. Jacob's Well concert in El Cerrito on 4/9/07.
Come join us for a FREE concert with Seattle-based recording artist, Jacob's Well.
Monday, April 9th @ 7pm (Doors open at 6:30pm)
East Bay Free Methodist
5395 Potrero Avenue, El Cerrito, CA 94530
A love offering will be taken at the end of the night to support the artists and their ministry.
Contact: Lynne Tsugawa - (510) 693-9121
Jacob's Well began as a young worship team with no idea that they would soon be headed into a full-time traveling ministry leading worship for literally thousands of people nationwide. Already in their 6th year as a band & ministry, Rob Loomis, his wife Elise, and Kevin Blackwood have since traveled extensively all over the United States sharing and leading others in worship. Their music is primarily scripture-based, as they have a heart and desire to bring a focus of God's word back into today's church.
For more infomation and samples of their music, please visit: www.jacobswellmusic.com & www.myspace.com/jacobswellmusic
2. Mike Chu seeks pastoral ministry in Chinese church.
My name is Mike Chu. I was born in Hong Kong on 1965 and I was saved on 1977. I came to Minnesota for my university training. On 1992, I married to Audrey Sau-man Chu who is also from Hong Kong. I worked as a computer programmer from 1988 till 2002 and my wife worked as a pharmacist from 1992 till 2005. We have no children. God called us on 2002 and both of us entered into the M Div. program of Central Baptist Theological Seminary, MN. I was graduated on May, 06 and my wife will be graduated by May, 07. I was ordained by All Nations Baptist Church on June 4, 2006. Both of us speak Cantonese, English and Mandarin. I am looking for cantonese pastoral position. My desire is to make disciples of all nations according to Matthew 28:19-20 and to minister to believers in a local church according to Eph 4:12 and 1 Peter 5:2-3. If you know any Chinese church looking for pastor, please let me know.
In Christ,
Mike Chu
3. Praise report from Bay Area Slam Dunk event on Fri nite, March 16.
Please note the following praises from the first ever "Bay Area Slam Dunk" outreach event that took place on Friday evening, March 16, 2006 immediately following the Warriors basketball game vs. the Minnesota Timberwolves.
Praise the Lord, over 1000 people attended the special post game program we called the "Bay Area Slam Dunk!" While it was good the Warriors won the game against the Minnesota Timberwolves, the fact the Warriors were blowing them out by the third quarter (20+ point leads) actually hurt attendance since some of the crowd was leaving by the fourth quarter. But since we had anticipated 500-1000 to attend the post game program, it was a major praise that over 1000 actually attended! Even though the NCAA tourney games were on TV, the interest in the Warriors had peaked the week prior to this game and program. The Warriors' last game was a decisive win over the Dallas Mavericks and by game day on March 16, the Warriors had edged into the 8th and last spot for the NBA playoffs! And with the Timberwolves on the heels of the Warriors for this last playoff spot, this game drew 18,527 in attendance!
The majority were church groups but there were as many as 150-200 "special guests" who attended. We had designated "special guests" as those who did not attend any Christian church on a regular basis. The best doorprize of the evening was reserved only for these special guests, a basketball signed by the entire Warriors team (donated by the Warriors for this event), along with several other terrific doorprizes.
Praise the Lord for 13 who indicated on their response cards an interest in getting info on having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Please pray for the follow up of these individuals. Praise the Lord also for many who were invited by Christian friends who may not have indicated this interest on their response cards but will have follow up talks with their Christian friends. Praise the Lord for the many seeds that were planted through the fun and sharing of this program.
Although our scheduled speaker (Pastor Steve Madsen, senior pastor of the Cornerstone Church in Livermore, a large church of over 3000 people) was forced to bow out the day before the event due to laryngitis, the Lord enabled me to share a relatively brief gospel message. I was able to utilize a simple object lesson making use of a children's toy basketball hoop that could be adjusted from 4-6 feet high. I asked for a volunteer from the audience, a young boy or girl. I had them perform a "dunk" with the rim set at 4' high which they were just able to do. Then I raised the rim up to 6' which became impossible for them. I talked about how most of us view sin by our own human standards which we usually set low enough for us to perform "dunk shots." But God's standards of his holiness and righteousness would be like setting the basketball rim at 100' high, way beyond the reach of even our beloved Warriors star (and former All Star Dunk contest winner in 2002-03) Jason Richardson!
My gospel message contained three simple points - the Problem of our sin, the Provision of the Savior, Jesus who died to pay the penalty of all our sin, and the Personal decision each of us must make to either receive or reject this wonderful gift from God. I thank God that I have used this gospel message many times in past years and was able to work in the basketball image of the slam dunk for this special outreach program last night.
Praise the Lord for the Christians who invited unchurched friends and family members. One career woman from the Oakland CIBC invited 23 of her co-workers and they all came! (I gave her one of the Jason Richardson framed autographs to use as a doorprize among her 23 friends!)
Praise the Lord for many who volunteered their help in a variety of ways. Praise the Lord for the many churches and individuals who purchased tickets (we sold over 1300!).
Praise the Lord also for the provision of many Jason Richardson autographs that we were able to give out as doorprizes last night. This past Tuesday evening I was able to attend a special season ticket holder event at the Arena (as a little extra perk for my involvement in doing this special program on March 16). Two Warriors players were featured at this event on Tuesday to sign autographs for a mere $5 donation each to the Warriors Foundation. The two scheduled players were Baron Davis and Stephen Jackson.
But Baron was tied up receiving treatment for some injuries. So Jason Richardson took his place. I was able to get 10 of his autographs on nice 8x10 cards prepared by the Warriors, for just $5 each. (At a card show, Jason would probably get at least $25 per autograph!). Then, the Lord provided a sale where I got some very nice 8x10 picture frames that were on clearance from $7 each to just $2 each!
While the Baron Davis autographs would have been an attraction, the Jason Richardson autographs were even more appropriate since our program was called the "Slam Dunk" and Richardson is "Mr. Slam Dunk" at least for the Warriors!
Praise the Lord for the band lead by Peter Lum. Although interference from the Arena staff cut short the band's playing both before and after the program, the Lord still used the band to draw people to stay for the program. I especially thank God for the gracious and humble spirit of Peter and band members even after the Arena staff had created a very frustrating situation.
Praise the Lord that the feedback from both the Warriors and those who attended was very positive. Plans are already underway for an even bigger and better Bay Area Slam Dunk event next season! Please contact me ASAP if your church or ministry is willing to commit to pre-purchasing tickets (by the fall of 2007) to the event next season so I will not need to personally purchase 1000 tickets on my own! Thanks!
4. Source for low cost health insurance for kids under 18 for lower income families.
They can do it so low because it is for low income families (which many pastors are). It is also ONLY for those 0-18.
Director of Youth Ministries
San Lorenzo Japanese Christian Church
Saturday, March 10, 2007
AABA Update from Louis Lee (MESA) - 03.10.07
1. Special info for Warriors outreach game/program on Fri March 16.
2. Please RSVP ASAP for AABA meeting on Wed. March 14, 10:30am.
1. Special info for Warriors outreach game/program on Fri March 16.
Please help recruit ushers to help with the special outreach program immediately following the game! We need ushers to help -
a) pass out little numbered tix for the doorprize raffle as folks come down following end of game.
b) pass out response cards following the gospel message.
c) collect response cards after I lead everyone in filling them out.
Ushers will need to meet for a brief orientation meeting at half time just inside the main front entrance from the east side (facing the coliseum where the Oakland A's play). Please provide me with the names of any volunteers who are willing to help serve in this way. Men and women are welcome to help.
Please remind your folks to stay for the special program immediately following the game. Terrific autographed items will be given away as doorprizes. The entire program will only last 40 minutes!
Try to arrive for the game as early as possible. The first 5000 fans arriving at the game will receive a free mesh cap (Warriors promotional giveaway).
Please be praying for this special outreach event. Pray for Christians who are extending invitations to unchurched friends and family members even this week. Pray for Pastor Steve Madsen as he shares the gospel during the program. Pray for follow up of those who express interest in knowing more about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Discounted tix ($20 for $35 face value tix) are still available in any quantity. Please just call John Beavens directly with the Warriors at 510-986-2237 and mention my name and this particular game. Please have your own credit card available when you call for tix. Your tix will either be mailed to you from the Warriors or held for you at Will Call to be picked up at the game.
2. Please RSVP ASAP for AABA meeting on Wed. March 14, 10:30am.
Donna Dong, a long time staff person with IVCF (was in the Bay Area for many years, now serving in Toronto with InterVarsity Canada), is planning to attend this next AABA fellowship meeting this Wed, March 14, 10:30am. Donna will share briefly about this past Urbana missions conference in St. Louis (Dec 2006) as well as a bit about IV Canada.
We will have our usual time of ministry resource sharing, small group share and prayer time, and a complimentary lunch at HomeTown Buffet for those who can stay after the meeting ends at 12 noon.
Doorprizes will include a pair of Warriors tix ($90 face value for pair!) for the special outreach game on Fri March 16, a pair of SF Giants tix, a signed Don Moen CD ("Hiding Place"), and much more!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
AABA Update from Louis Lee (MESA) - 03.08.07
1. Special free worship event this Sat March 10, 8:30am at ATT Park in SF, part of Battlecry event!
2. Donate used flashdrives, 512MB and smaller, for missions!
3. Scott Kinoshita seeks new ministry opportunity.
4. Please RSVP ASAP for the next AABA meeting next Wed March 14, 10:30am.
1. Special free worship event this Sat March 10, 8:30am at ATT Park in SF, part of Battlecry event!
I plan to attend this special free worship event in SF this Sat. Hope to see you there and remember to bring a portable radio!
Message from Ron Luce:
You may already know that next Saturday at the Battlecry event we are starting at 8:30 in the morning with a time of prayer and worship. This is the same schedule as the Battlecry event last year.
BUT, something has just happened over the past few days that would prevent this worship service. A last minute noise ordinance restricting the use of our sound system until 10 AM has been imposed. This means that there can be no amplification of the worship band, no way for teens or anyone to hear and be led in prayer and worship.
We will honor the law and lawmakers, but we will not let these voices be stopped.
So here is what we are planning to do. We have partnered with KFAX AM 1100 radio to broadcast a special "Rise Up" worship session led on-stage from the Battlecry event. We will have 25,000 teenagers raising their voices in prayer and worship unified at the stadium through the sounds from their radios that we are asking everyone to bring.
Imagine a worship service where thousands of youth groups are gathered together across the stadium praying and praising God together. They will see the worship band and the video screens, but hear nothing through the sound system... only through their radios. I don’t think any Christian gathering in this country has ever been forced to do anything like this before.
We want to invite all the adults, all the parents, all the senior pastors, all the church leadership from your church to join us for this special service on Saturday morning INSIDE THE STADIUM. Every Christian, every adult who loves and supports these teens, everyone who believes these voices shouldn’t be silenced needs to be there.
There will be absolutely no admission charge for this special worship service.
This is a crucial time in our fight for this generation. Thank you and your church for standing up for the voices of teenagers.
If you have any questions, or know that there are additional people from your church that would like to come, please call us immediately at 1-877-650-6515.
God bless you and this entire teenage generation,
Ron Luce
P.S. We are asking all attendees to bring their small, hand-held AM/FM radios to the event.
2. Donate used flashdrives, 512MB and smaller, for missions!
Pastor Alan Ginn is asking for donations of used or new flash drives (512 MB or smaller) that he can take overseas to various mission fields. Pastor Alan recently concluded 29 years of pastoral ministry at the Sacramento Chinese Grace Bible Church and is transitioning into full time missions work. Please contact him directly.
Donations can also be brought to the AABA meeting on March 14, after that time - it can be sent to Alan at 7252 Farm Dale Way, Sacramento, CA 95831.
3. Scott Kinoshita seeks new ministry opportunity.
Currently, I am serving as the part-time associate pastor of a Southern Baptist church in San Jose. I am seeking a full-time position as an associate pastor or solo pastor. My contact information is as follows:
Scott Kinoshita, 351 N. 5th St., San Jose, CA 95112-5259
Home phone: (408) 292-5353
4. Please RSVP ASAP for the next AABA meeting next Wed March 14, 10:30am.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
PANA Update - March 1, 2007
Friday, March 2, 9:00am-4:00pm:
World Day of Prayer event on Human Rights in the Philippines at the State Capitol in Sacramento. Carpool leaving from PANA at 9 am, returning by 4 pm. (Contact Deborah Lee (849-8260) for ride). More details below.
Saturday, March 3, 4:00-8:00pm:
San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade – march in support of the GAPA float with the Network on Religion and Justice for API LGBTs. More details below.
Wednesday, March 7, 12:00-1:30pm, in honor of International Women's Day:
Noon time lunch at PANA.
Guest Rev. Tess Vertucio, Conference Minister from the United Church of Christ Philippines will be sharing her research and experience about women's leadership in the church. Her topic will be "Leader But Subordinate."
Join us for lunch at PANA. Please call PANA (849-8260) by Tues. March 6th to reserve a space for lunch.
Wednesday, March 7, 5:00pm-8:30pm:
Don't miss this great opportunity! Community visit to the El Sobrante Gurdwara (Sikh house of worship). A leader of the gurdwara will share a tour, history and contemporary social issues facing the Skih American community. A representative from the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund will share about the work they have been doing in response to hate crimes, particularly the five Sikh Taxi cab drivers from that Gurdwara who were shot (four fatally) in the past few years. We will participate in the Sikh prayer service and vegetarian meal.
Carpooling leaving from PANA (2357 Le Conte Ave.) at 5 pm and returning at 8:30 pm.
More details below.
April 26-29:
Registrations are still being taken for the Manzanar pilgrimage, April 26-29th- leaving from PSR. Contact Shinya Goto or Deborah Lee (510) 849-8260 for questions.
Upcoming PANA events
Friday, March 2, 12:00-1:00pm
"Faith, Justice and Human Rights in the Philippines"
Ecumenical Vigil at State Capitol
Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1300 N St., Sacramento, California
This year, for World Day of Prayer, join us for ecumenical witness, prayer and action for Faith, Justice and Human Rights in the Philippines.
Prayer will begin at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1300 N Street (at 13th Street), Sacramento, CA 95814, and conclude with a short procession to the steps of the State Capitol.
Prayer and procession will include:
* Bishop Eli Pascua, General Secretary of the United Church of Christ Philippines;
* Bishop Beverly Shamana, United Methodist Church, California Nevada Conference; and members of the
* United Methodist Fact-Finding Team, recently returned from the Philippines.
Please bring a flower for the procession to remember the 800 killed and 200 disappeared unarmed civilians (since 2001) which include pastors, farmers, students, human rights lawyers, journalists, labor leaders, and others working for economic and social justice in the Philippines. Clergy are asked to please wear clerical attire.
Sponsored by:
Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. (Sacramento Presbytery); Interfaith Service Bureau; and the Institute for Leadership Development and Study of Pacific Asian North American Religion (PANA Institute).
For more information, contact:
Rev. Larry Emery at (916) 776-6986
Rev. Deborah Lee at (510) 849-8260
Saturday, March 3, 4:00-8:00 pm
Network on Religion and Justice for API LGBTs – Chinese New Year Parade contingent
San Francisco, CA
The Network on Religion and Justice for Asian American and Pacific Islander Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People (NRJ-API-LGBT), of which PANA is a coordinating member, is sponsoring a contingent of APIs to march in public religious support of the Gay Asian Pacific Alliance float in the San Francisco Chinese New Year parade. API clergy in robe and stole are especially encouraged to march with us.
To join our contingent or for more information, contact Elizabeth Leung.
For more information about NRJ-API-LGBT:
For more about the San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade:
Wednesday, March 7, 5:30- 8:30 pm
Community Visit—El Sobrante Gurdwara
Led by Jaideep Singh, Visiting Scholar-in-Residence for the PANA Institute’s Civil Liberty and Faith Project, and instructor of PSR course RSHR-1070: “Presumed Guilty: Race, Religion, and the Post-9/11 Racialized State”
Join us for a visit to the gurdwara in El Sobrante, one of the oldest and most beautiful in the state. (www.mygurdwara.com) One of the founders of the gurdwara will give us a tour and describe the struggles the local Sikh American community encountered in the early days, as well as more contemporary social issues facing the community. Other speakers will address the role of women in Sikh communities and the sacred text of the Sikhs, and the rash of murders of Sikh American cab drivers in the Bay Area since September 11, 2001. Contact PANA to register.
For more information about the gurdwara:
Saturday, March 24, 3:00-8:00pm
Community Visit—Masjid Al-Noor in Santa Clara
Led by Jaideep Singh, Visiting Scholar-in-Residence for the PANA Institute’s Civil Liberty and Faith Project, and instructor of PSR course RSHR-1070: “Presumed Guilty: Race, Religion, and the Post-9/11 Racialized State”
Join us for a glimpse into the lives of our Muslim American neighbors, with a visit to the largest mosque in California. We will learn about Muslim religious life, as well as social issues that concern Muslim Americans. In particular, we will discuss the effects of domestic terrorism directed at Muslims in the wake of 9/11.
Jaideep Singh is the Visiting Scholar-in-Residence for the PANA Institute’s Civil Liberty and Faith Project, and instructor of PSR course RSHR-1070: “Presumed Guilty: Race, Religion, and the Post-9/11 Racialized State”
Tuesday evenings, April 3 – May 8, 6:30-9:30pm, plus four-day pilgrimage
Community Class: “Manzanar: America’s Internment”
Various locations, as given below
In preparation for the active participation and theological reflection on the 38th annual pilgrimage to the former WWII site of Japanese American internment at Manzanar, California (now a National Historic Site and National Park Service Interpretive Center), PANA Institute offers five open sessions to all people interested. We will examine the practice of pilgrimage and its inter-religious nature (Buddhist, Christian, Shinto folk practice with Taoist elements), identity and race in Asian American history through place and memory (social, geography, racial formation theory) and a framework for theological interpretation.
These sessions will include discussions, lectures, and films, and will be led by Dr. Joanne Doi, MM. Come join us for any or all of these Tuesday evenings, 6:30-9:30pm, at various locations as given below. (Classes are free; pilgrimage is $200.)
Session #1: 4/3/07. “Redress Reparations and Reconciliation.”
Buena Vista UMC, 2311 Buena Vista Ave., Alameda, CA 94501.
Session #2: 4/10/07. “Wounded Resurrection: Intersections and Solidarities.”,
Sycamore Congregational Church, 1111 Navelier Street, El Cerrito, CA 94530.
Session #3: 4/17/07. “Interfaith Community: Camp Life and Pilgrimage.”
Jodo Shinshu Center, 2140 Durant Street, Berkeley, CA 94704.
Session #4: 4/24/07. “Body, Memory and Ritual”
Pacific School of Religion, Mudd Bldg. room 100, 1798 Scenic Ave., Berkeley, CA 94709.
Pilgrimage: 4/26-29/07. Travel to join in public interfaith ritual with hundreds of other pilgrims.
Manzanar, California (Program, charter bus and group hotel included.)
Session #5: 5/8/07. “Return”
PANA, 2357 Le Conte Ave., Berkeley, CA 94709.
April 26-29
Pilgrimage to Manzanar
Led by Joanne Doi, M.M., instructor of PSR course STHR-1395: “America’s Internment: Manzanar”
During WWII, Japanese Americans were forcibly relocated to an internment camp at Manzanar, California. A generation later, in 1969, an annual interfaith gathering began to honor the thousands of people who were imprisoned there and at the nine other similar American camps. 2007 will mark the 38th annual public pilgrimage to this remote and historic site, now a National Historic Site with a National Park Service Interpretive Center.
The PANA Institute invites you to join us in a traveling community of pilgrims to Manzanar, guided by Dr. Joanne Doi, MM, and Rev. Deborah Lee. We will travel as a group, and engage together in learning, reflection and ritual.
Departs Thursday, April 26, 2:00pm from Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA; returns Sunday, April 29, 5:00pm. Five additional class sessions (Tues eves, Apr 3-May 8) led by Dr. Doi are also available to deepen partcipants’ understanding and experience — see below.
Space is limited to 40. Registration deadline is Feb. 26th. Tuesday evening classes are free; pilgrimage is $200, toward three nights hotel and transportation by chartered bus. (Cost is subsidized by PANA’s Civil Liberties and Faith project.)
For more information, or to register, email Shinya Goto or Rev. Deborah Lee at 510-849-8260.
Special Announcement from PANA:
Employment Opportunity at PANA
The Institute for Leadership Development and Study of Pacific and Asian North American Religion
(PANA Institute)
Part-time (20 hours per week), regular staff
General Summary:
The Director of Development is responsible for the planning and implementation of all fundraising efforts for the Institute with special focus on its ongoing endowment campaign and annual fund.
Essential Responsibilities:
> Work closely with the Executive Director, staff, and steering committee to develop long- and short-range development goals and strategies, including the Institute’s ongoing endowment campaign, annual fund, and planning for strategic growth.
> Work closely with the Office of Institutional Advancement at Pacific School of Religion to ensure that all development activities meet the institution’s fiscal and legal requirements; attend regular OIA staff meetings.
> Coordinate all major fundraising activities for the Institute, including development, cultivation and solicitation of individual prospects and donors for endowment campaign and annual fund.
> Coordinate and support Executive Director and steering committee’s major gifts activities, including developing cultivation and solicitation strategies. Provide training and technical assistance to staff and volunteers participating in major gifts solicitations. Plan and produce major donor cultivation events with support of other Institute staff.
> Develop and manage donor acquisition, cultivation and retention activities, including direct mail campaign as well as other development materials (newsletters, major donor materials, etc.)., in coordination with the PSR Director of Marketing and Communication.
> Sufficient familiarity with planned giving principles to be able to incorporate these opportunities into major gift development strategies as appropriate.
> Participate as an active member of the Institute’s staff and coordinate development department activities with other staff members.
> This position may require overnight travel and occasional evening and/or weekend hours to accommodate business needs. It may require providing own transportation to off-campus locations.
To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
> Strong interpersonal relationship skills and ability to work both independently and within a team-oriented organizational structure.
> Strong team orientation, ability to provide and accept feedback, and ability to work effectively in collaboration with diverse groups of people
> Strong verbal and written communications skills, including public speaking, negotiations, and effective, persuasive communication with diverse audiences. An ability to interact easily with individuals of high net worth.
> Four years of fundraising and development experience which include management and supervisory responsibility. Successful first-hand experience in cultivating and soliciting $10,000+ gifts required.
> Significant experience in successfully working with potential constituencies - volunteers, staff, charitable foundations and community members.
> Excellent understanding of principles and techniques of development activities, including planned giving, major donor programs, event planning, corporate and foundation giving, capital campaigns, and communications.
> Experience in public relations and marketing techniques in the non-profit environment.
> Understanding of non-profit organizational structure and management issues, including strategic planning, personnel management, community relations development and implementation, fundraising training and education, budget development.
> Innovative and entrepreneurial approach. Ability to adapt to changing environment and priorities.
> Experience working with API communities and communities of faith required.
> Demonstrated skill in MS Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. Skill with relational databases (including Raiser’s Edge) preferred.
> Experience working in a non-profit setting desirable, but not required.
> Bachelor’s degree required.
> Person of faith with active connections to a faith community desirable.
Application Process:
Please submit a resume and letter of application addressing specifically the qualifications of this position to:
Debi Walker, Personnel Director
or Fumitaka Matsuoka, Executive Director PANA Institute
Pacific School of Religion
1798 Scenic Ave, Berkeley CA 94709
E-mail Debi Walker
FAX: 510.845.8948
Applications received by February 9, 2007 will receive first consideration.
The position will remain open until filled.
PSR is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer
Job Opportunity: Youth Director at SF Church
Reply to: job-267349819@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-01-23, 3:10PM
Youth Director
at CityLight Fellowship
A ministry of Pine United Methodist Church
Introduction and Background: Pine United Methodist Church, located in the Richmond District of San Francisco, is searching for a part time Youth Director. Pine Church was established in 1887. The church consists of three congregations: Japanese language, English speaking and contemporary worship (CityLight Fellowship) congregations. CityLight Fellowship is a ministry of Pine Church and was launched in 2006. It is an English speaking pan-Asian/multicultural congregation with a small but growing youth population. This position is with the CityLight Fellowship but is not limited to this congregation. To learn more about the church, please visit our website: www.pineumc.org.
Job Responsibilities: The Youth Director will develop and oversee all Youth Programs for elementary, middle school, and high school students, participate in vacation bible school (August 20-24, 2007) and participate in youth outreach for CityLight Fellowship. The goal of our Youth Program is to create a safe, God-centered and welcoming environment for the youth in the church and in the community. Some Sunday worship responsibilities will be expected throughout the year. This position will work in a team of 5-6 staff including: three ministers, worship leaders, and the church school superintendent. The Youth Director will report directly to the Senior Pastor.
Hours: 10-20 hours per week during the regular school year. The hours are flexible. Must be available each Sunday, and some Saturdays and evenings during the week.
Ideal Qualifications: Experience working with youth in a church or other setting. Appreciation and or experience with Asian communities would be very helpful. The successful candidate should have lots of energy and fresh ideas for to help grow a youth program in a church setting, and must be comfortable working in a church setting which encourages diversity in sexual orientation, ethnicity, social status and gender identities.
Salary: Approximately $8,000 - $10,000 per year. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications.
Application Process: Please send your current resume including two references to Pine UMC. You may mail, email or fax your material to the church. Start date for this position is March 1, 2007 and will be open until filled. Contact: Rev. John Oda, 426 33rd Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94121. Phone: 415-387-1800, fax: 415-387-1801, email Rev. Oda
PANA Institute
The Institute for Leadership Development and Study of
Pacific and Asian North American Religion
Sharon Hwang Colligan, Administrative Assistant
(510) 849-8244