Monday, May 07, 2007

AABA Update from Louis Lee (MESA) - 05.07.07

This AABA (Asian American Bay Area) Fellowship update contains the following notes -

1. Please RSVP for AABA meeting on Wed. June 20 at SLZJCC.
2. Ministry resources -
- ABC pastor available to guest preach on Sunday, June 17.
- Korean American minister seeks new church ministry.
- Pastor Ken Carlson seeks blog dialogue on English ministry in Chinese churches.
- Drs. Cloud/Townsend team teach Boundaries via satellite on Sat Feb 2, 2008.
3. Only $10/pair of tix for SF Giants home games! Contact Louis Lee!

1. Please RSVP for AABA meeting on Wed. June 20 at SLZJCC.

Please mark your calendars and plan to attend our next AABA meeting on Wed. June 20 at 10:30am. These quarterly fellowship meetings are a great time of sharing ministry resources, small group sharing and praying, and an informal complimentary lunch at HomeTown Buffet for those who can stay.

2. Ministry resources

- ABC pastor available to guest preach on Sunday, June 17.
An ABC pastor friend of mine who grew up in Castro Valley at Neighborhood Church, is available to serve as a guest preacher on Sunday June 17 in the East Bay area. Derek Quan is a graduate of Western Seminary (M.Div.) and Phoenix Seminary (D.Min.). He has been serving the past 14 years as the English Pastor of the Greater Phoenix Chinese Christian Church. Churches in the East Bay can contact Derek at derekquan_AT_gpccc_DOT_org.

- Korean American minister seeks new church ministry.
My name is John Park and I was born and raised in Korea. In college, I studied English Literature. When I got to the age when I had to serve the army, I joined the 8th United States Army as a KATUSA (Korean Augmentation Troops to the United States Army) solder. During the military years, I was active in fellowshipping with other Christians and in reaching out to non-Christian American soldiers. I received my MDiv. degree from Asian Center for Theological Studies and Missions in Seoul, Korea. Upon finishing my Mdiv. studies, I came to the United States back in January 1999. Currently, I am currently working on my dissertation at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The focus of my studies is missions. As for family, I have been married to my wife, Sumi, for ten years and we have one son, Moses, who is seven years old.
As for ministry experience, I am very experienced in working with different ethnic groups. When I was in Korea, I planted an English-speaking church with a Korean-American missionary. I co-pastored the church with him. I also worked for Mission Korea, a missions mobilization organization which holds bi-annual missions conference. When the conference was held, I worked as coordinator for the 100 plus international participants in the conference. Also, when I did my MDiv. studies at Asian Center for Theological Studies and Misisons, I studied with students from African and Asian countries in English. After I came to the States, I worked as youth pastor for five years and for the last three and a half years I have been serving as college/young adults pastor at Korean-American First Baptist Church of Arlington in Arlington, TX. I have gone on several short-term mission trips to countries such as China and the Philippines and different states in the U.S. Back in 2004, I led a break-out session entitled Asian Youth Ministry at Youth Lab, an annual youth conference held at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
I am quite a unique candidate for English-speaking ministry first because I wasn't born nor grew up in the States and second because I am on an F-1 visa. I am currently planning to apply for Pre-OPT (Practical Training which I can sign up for since I finished my Ph.D. coursework) so that I can work legally in the United States. Whichever church hires me will have to help me to get an R-1 Visa (Religious Visa) and a green card so that I can continue to work in the States legally."
You can reach me via email at heyldoer_AT_sbcglobal_DOT_net or by phone at 817-881-2029 (cell).

- Pastor Ken Carlson seeks dialogue on English ministry in Chinese churches.

Dear co-workers for the Gospel,

On my blog I have started a series entitled "30 Days on the Chinese Church." Specifically, I want to focus on how to have a mature, effective English ministry in a Chinese church. But I don't want to merely share my own opinion. Instead, I would like to invite you to join a blog based discussion on this topic.
Every day this month (except Sundays) I plan to write a new post. I welcome your suggestions for topics! I also welcome your contributions in discussion via the comments on each post. If you have a blog and want to write a longer article on a related topic, feel free to post a link to it in a comment on my blog. That way we can stimulate discussion on some key issues that we all face. The first few articles are pretty basic, but I wanted to lay the groundwork before we get into the details. Let me know what suggestions you have for the series.
I know that we all are very busy. But if some of you are able to take a few minutes to read through the articles and give me feedback, as well as add your own contributions, we will all benefit.
The series can be found via this link:
To read the posts in order, you will need to start with the bottom article and work upwards. If you use a feed reader, there is a link at the bottom of the page to subscribe to the series.

Pastor Ken Carlson

- Drs. Cloud/Townsend team teach Boundaries via satellite on Sat Feb 2, 2008.

Hello Everyone – Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!

Exciting news from the ministry of Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend! No, not another book – although they are writing again!
First, have you seen our new web site at Forget about getting any work done during in the day; you’ll be spending your days interacting on the web site with John and Henry learning new leadership info, how to serve your church community better, advice on family matters, & marriages, parenting – the site has endless in possibilities!
Next! My most exciting news! A historic one day event…Saturday, February 2, 2008 Drs. Cloud & Townsend together for the first time in 15 yrs. teaching Boundaries all across North America! It is a satellite presentation from our partner -CCN Church Communication Network. CCN is the leader in excellence in Christian satellite programming. Along with John and Henry, many of the great Christian leaders & teachers in the world are producing remarkable programming on CCN
Many of you have desired to invite John or Henry to speak at your church or organization. For a myriad of different reasons it hasn’t happened. However! This special event will afford you the opportunity to invite them to appear (via satellite) in your church AND create a great evangelical outreach to the people in your surrounding area – It will be an immense blessing for your own church family & staff as well.
Imagine tens of thousands of people across North America getting healthy on the same day! And God gets the Glory!
For more information on this event, please contact me at kpatton_AT_ccn_DOT_tv or 800-676-4673 x4. For you early birds, I have a special pricing available until June 30, 2007.
I pray that you are healthy and life is good for you and yours!

In Christ ~ Kris Patton
Ministry Consultant ~ Group & Event Specialist Cloud-Townsend Resources & CCN
800-676-4673 x4 Pacific Time


3. Only $10/pair of tix for SF Giants home games!

I am once again lowering the price of my pair of SF Giants tix (section #330, row 9), especially for those in full time ministry! For home games Mon-Thurs, the new price is only $10 for both tix (face value is $20 for both tix) and only $15 for both tix for games on Fri-Sunday (face value is $40 for both tix)! (these prices apply to all home games except premium games vs the LA Dodgers, the Oakland A's, the NY Yankees, as well as games when Barry Bonds is getting within 3-4 home runs of setting the all time career home run record)

Please check the Giants website for their schedule, and then check with me for the games you wantl

If you have friends or family that are not in vocational ministry but want to purchase any of these Giants tix, please add $5 to the prices listed above for each pair of tix ($15 a pair for weekday games and $20 for weekend games).

Remember, the Monterey Bay Aquarium two guest passes will only be available through this July, 2007. Please contact me to reserve their use ASAP.

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