Saturday, March 10, 2007

AABA Update from Louis Lee (MESA) - 03.10.07

This AABA (Asian American Bay Area) Fellowship update contains the following notes -

1. Special info for Warriors outreach game/program on Fri March 16.

2. Please RSVP ASAP for AABA meeting on Wed. March 14, 10:30am.


1. Special info for Warriors outreach game/program on Fri March 16.

Please help recruit ushers to help with the special outreach program immediately following the game! We need ushers to help -

a) pass out little numbered tix for the doorprize raffle as folks come down following end of game.
b) pass out response cards following the gospel message.
c) collect response cards after I lead everyone in filling them out.

Ushers will need to meet for a brief orientation meeting at half time just inside the main front entrance from the east side (facing the coliseum where the Oakland A's play). Please provide me with the names of any volunteers who are willing to help serve in this way. Men and women are welcome to help.

Please remind your folks to stay for the special program immediately following the game. Terrific autographed items will be given away as doorprizes. The entire program will only last 40 minutes!

Try to arrive for the game as early as possible. The first 5000 fans arriving at the game will receive a free mesh cap (Warriors promotional giveaway).

Please be praying for this special outreach event. Pray for Christians who are extending invitations to unchurched friends and family members even this week. Pray for Pastor Steve Madsen as he shares the gospel during the program. Pray for follow up of those who express interest in knowing more about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Discounted tix ($20 for $35 face value tix) are still available in any quantity. Please just call John Beavens directly with the Warriors at 510-986-2237 and mention my name and this particular game. Please have your own credit card available when you call for tix. Your tix will either be mailed to you from the Warriors or held for you at Will Call to be picked up at the game.


2. Please RSVP ASAP for AABA meeting on Wed. March 14, 10:30am.

Donna Dong, a long time staff person with IVCF (was in the Bay Area for many years, now serving in Toronto with InterVarsity Canada), is planning to attend this next AABA fellowship meeting this Wed, March 14, 10:30am. Donna will share briefly about this past Urbana missions conference in St. Louis (Dec 2006) as well as a bit about IV Canada.

We will have our usual time of ministry resource sharing, small group share and prayer time, and a complimentary lunch at HomeTown Buffet for those who can stay after the meeting ends at 12 noon.

Doorprizes will include a pair of Warriors tix ($90 face value for pair!) for the special outreach game on Fri March 16, a pair of SF Giants tix, a signed Don Moen CD ("Hiding Place"), and much more!


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