Sunday, December 24, 2006

World Christian Conference (WCC) 2007 is Coming

Asian Americans need...
* A like-minded community of peers, leaders and mentors
* A sacred place where God shows up and they hear his voice
* An equipping forum to grapple with identity, purpose, and calling.

WCC 2007 is that community, that place, and that forum.

Date: February 16-19, 2007
Place: San Mateo Marriott
Plenary Speaker: Dr. Thom Wolf
Theme: Embolden by His Love, Empowered by the Spirit - Eph. 3:16-19
Register: Early January 2007 online
On-line information and registration here

Theme: Embolden by His Love, Empowered by the Spirit - Eph. 3:16-19

The Father's love surpasses knowledge and fills our hearts with His acceptance. Many of us have learned to heed God's call, but we find ourselves walking in fear and not in acceptance. Many of us have done our best to follow through in obedience, yet we still find ourselves tapping in the well of our own strength and not the Lord's. We've allowed the world's chatter regarding performance and results to oppress us when we step out in faith.

However, the Apostle Paul's letter to the Ephesian church denies this oppression. Our Heavenly Father pours out love and a wealth of resources, particularly the Spirit, to empower and strengthen us. A deeply rooted, abiding and receiving of His love gives us the courage and security to say, "Yes, Lord!" and respond to His commands; the Spirit gives us confidence and the ability to continue in obedience in whatever God asks us to do.

In previous years of WCC, we've discovered that there's no greater joy and no sacrifice too great in following our Father. We've also discovered that we're immeasurably gifted for the glory of the Lord. Additionally, the Lord has set us free to push everything away so that we can walk with Him. And as we walk with God out of faith and obedience, we can be sure that He's the One whose tremendous love removes fear and replaces it with calm and peace. We no longer have to rely on ourselves because the Father's love has overcome weakness and fear to embolden and empower us by the Spirit!

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